OUR HUMBLE, POWERFUL & HOPEFUL MESSAGE ON THIS WORLD ENVIRONMENT WEEK 2024; the theme being land restoration, stopping desertification and building strong resilience.


World Environmental Problems whether it is Land Degradation, Desertification, Ocean Acidification, Loss of Biodiversity, Forest Fires, or Natural disasters like floods/ drought/earthquakes/cloud bursts/tornados/heat waves, are all connected problems and they are to be dealt with comprehensively.

The root cause of all these problems is the diminishing Carrying Capacity of the Earth and its Biosphere. This means the Biological Capacity of Earth is less compared to the Ecological Footprint in terms of Global Hectares. Many of us think this is due to the huge human population which is not true many times. This truth had been exposed by our late Prime Minister Smt Indira Gandhi at the very beginning as early as the 1972 Stockholm Conference, the first of its kind held in Sweden. Yes, it is not the population figures of the Country but the consumption patterns which matter and this TRUTH holds forever.

Centre for Environmental Efficiency is a unique ‘Non-Governmental Organisation’ which focuses on two powerful themes named Environmental Efficiency and Carrying Capacity(EE&CC) which are later improvised as may&ton values contributing to intra-generational and inter-generational sustainability indicators by which one can correctly measure whether progress is going in the right direction. They are the right indicators to check the circular economy systems which the world is aiming to achieve on the principles of Sustainability and Prosperity.

The term Environmental Efficiency is derived based on the Input/Output approach while Carrying Capacity is derived based on the Capacity/Consumption approach. The database we have used is based on HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORTS of UNDP. and biocapacity and ecological footprint estimates of GLOBAL FOOTPRINT NETWORK based on the United Nations Database. Coming down to the local level we have succeeded in identifying effective indicators to evaluate the business-as-scenario and suggest remedial measures through policies/ programs and projects at the City/Community level.

Salient Efforts made by this NGO towards this goal are reflected in our publications, social media posts and YouTube presentations which are embedded in our website


We are not tired but we take short breaks to chalk out our way forward to reach our destination where capable agencies align with us to develop these concepts to achieve a Sustainable and Prosperous Earth.




Centre for Environmental Efficiency
Centre for Environmental Efficiency

Written by Centre for Environmental Efficiency

Public trust dedicated to bring the environment and development hand in hand through environmental efficiency and carrying capacity theories. By Dr May Mathew

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